Problem : Enter your security code on Instagram


hello, its semester break.. yay.. straight to the point, aku nak bagitahu pengalaman aku n kawan aku. 2 days ago, my friend told me about her instagram problem which is verify your account and enter your security code n she asking me how to solve it? tell me how? how? *aceceh, taip omputih XD*

see? code celah mane nak ambik, suruh masok phone number la, konon-konon kalau masok phone number, instagram nak hantar code melalui mesej la.. takdok pon.. berjuta kali tekan 'click here to retry' sampai tembus keyboard okay ini sangat melampau tak dok pon ig bagi code.. annoying gilos.. ig menipu :p 

so, den pon google la cara-cara nak selesaikan masalah duniawi ini.. belambak-lambak jawapan dia, tapi dalam bahasa english la.. pastu kan, pastu kan jumpa la web ni and this choose which 1 you want.. mane-mane pon boleh la.. same je..

and the step is

1. WEB: choose any phone number. pick 1 only
2. WEB: copy the phone number *copy the whole number without modifying anything: example +4796667224

there is no Malaysia flag. so i just pick another flag

3. INSTAGRAM: paste the phone number to replace your own phone number and save. wait a few minutes
4. WEB: click on the number that you choose, wait your message from instagram. make sure you're always reload the web to receive you message 
thats my code!
5. INSTAGRAM: copy your code, paste on it, click submit

6. Done!  *do follow my instagram :

Actually i had problem too, quite difficult to follow the step.. i was tried soooo many time to reach the goal, don't give up and keep trying because sometime the web doesn't  show my message. so i tried to do the same thing on the next day and choose another phone number. i was do this step at my own instagram and friend's instagram. 

harap dapat membantu, kalau tak paham jugak, you can ask me :) u can ask me by comment, instagram, fb or shout box at the left <--
 semalam aku try buat kat ig kawan aku and 'ha? awat tak jadikk pon, tension aku. malas kawan ngan mu instagram --- terus tutup laptop ----'
harini try buat lagi demi sahabat tercinta tapi pilih no tepon lain pulak, mane lah tahu kot2 no lain ada ONG ke? sape tahu kan? finally jadi.. alhamdulillah :)

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